My Favorite Movies of 2022

Because there’s nothing quite like an overly long listicle to break a slump.

Mickey Desruisseaux
34 min readDec 29, 2022

I’ve been struggling to write this year, my furious post-Christmas screed notwithstanding.

Part of that has to do with having a job that makes no small demands of my time. Most of it is lingering burnout from some of the stuff I’ve written about before. And not for nothing, but the universe has seemed to go out of its way to taunt me about the essays that I started this year but never finished when the news cycle blew past my process— many of the subjects of which are neatly encapsulated in this tweet from the Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee.

So, it being the end of the year and all, I figured that a good old-fashioned year-end listicle would be an easy way to get back on the horse. The problem with year-end listicles, however, is that most of the media I consumed this year wasn’t actually released this year.

The backlog struggle is real, folks.

Looking back, I think only four of the shows I watched, three of the games I played, and two of the (nonfiction) books I read (to completion) were actually 2022 releases — and most of those 2022 nonfiction books I did read were spiteful hate-reads of insider accounts about the last presidential administration…



Mickey Desruisseaux

Scribbling at the nexus of race, law, politics, and pop culture. A monster of many words, a man of all of them. (Opinions my own, not those of my employers.)